Showing posts with label Monitoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monitoring. Show all posts

Best Practices & Monitoring Points For SQL Database & Server

Best Practices :

1. Application and Database should be on different servers
2. Proper Backup plan should be implemented (Based on Data size and RPO and RTO)
                Plan :    
                i. Full Backup on Sunday
                ii. Differential Backup on Daily
                iii. Log hourly or every fifteen minutes
                iv. System database backup plan should also there
                v. Restore drill
                vi. Backup reports
3. Proper Indexing
                i. Based on Data type, Data size, Fill factor
                ii. Implement Indexs suggested by Sql server engine having high impact and monitor
                iii. Remove indexes not in use
4. Remove all the objects which were never used
5. Update statististics every week or more frequently(depending upon data insertion and updation and deletion)
6. Email notification
                i. Define mailer profile
                ii. Create operators
7. Define Bottlenecks for CPU Utilization (Performance)               
8. Create Logins and give proper roles not all
9. Proper naming convention of sql objects like procedures with prefix usp
10. For heavy data searching use Full text search
11. Proper history clean up
12. Always logoff after completion of task on prod environment

a. SET NOCOUNT ON should be in every proc
b. Proper try and catch should be there
c. Use SARGABLE rules

-> . DR plan should be ready (Disaster Recovery)
->. Apply high availability solution ( Logshiping or replication or clustering) depending upon the use of data

Monitoring :

A. Backups, backups should be validated and monitored, Define retention period
B. Monitor job failed and job status
C. Monitor services
D. Monitor CPU Utilization & system performance
E. Monitor database performance
F. Monitor disk spaces
G. Monitor tables (based on iteration prepare plan for partitioning and archival)
H. Monitor security
I. Monitor users and delete orphan users
J. Use ssrs for monitoring create ssrs reports(less costly) or use third party tool (more costly)
K. Restricted Access
L. Long running query and job alert
M. Agent Job history configuration and maintenance
N. Monitor database integrity

Monitor Database Size Location through query and mailer

Hi friends! One of my friend asked me to help him creating a mailer that gives information about all databases of a server. I tried and created this-

Use master
Create Table #temp
    DatabaseName sysname,
    LogicalName sysname,
    physical_name varchar(500),
    size decimal (18,2),
    FreeSpace decimal (18,2),
 [DBState] varchar(500)
Exec sp_msforeachdb '
Use [?];
Insert Into #temp (DatabaseName, LogicalName, physical_name, Size, FreeSpace,[DBState])
    Select DB_NAME() AS [DatabaseName], Name as LogicalName,  physical_name,
    Cast(Cast(Round(cast(size as decimal) * 8.0/1024.0,2) as decimal(18,2)) as nvarchar) Size,
    Cast(Cast(Round(cast(size as decimal) * 8.0/1024.0,2) as decimal(18,2)) -
    Cast(FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed'') * 8.0/1024.0 as decimal(18,2)) as nvarchar) As FreeSpace,
 state_desc as [DBState]
    From sys.database_files
Select ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order by DatabaseName) RowNo, * From #temp

Declare @MailSubject varchar(1000)='Database Monitor Info for Servers '+Isnull(Cast(@@ServerName as varchar(500)),'')
Declare @MailBodyHeader varchar(3000)='Hi,<br><br>Please find the details of databases-<br><br>
  <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="100%" style="border-top:1px solid black; border-left:1px solid black;"><TBODY>
          <TR><TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#2f75b5" ALIGN="CENTER" colspan="7"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="3" WIDTH="100PX" Color="white"><B>Database Monitor Info</B></FONT></TD></TR>
          <TR><TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#2f75b5" ALIGN="CENTER" colspan="7"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2" WIDTH="100PX" Color="white"><B>Status </B></FONT></TD></TR>
          <TR><TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>RowNo</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>DatabaseName</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>LogicalName</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>physical_name</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>size</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>FreeSpace</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>DBState</B></FONT></TD>
Declare @MailBody varchar(max)
Select @MailBody= Isnull(@MailBody,'')+'<TR><TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>'+Isnull(Cast(ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order by DatabaseName) as varchar(10)),'')+'</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="Left"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>'+Isnull(Cast(DatabaseName as varchar(500)),'')+'</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="Left"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Isnull(Cast(LogicalName as varchar(500)),'')+'</FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="Left"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Isnull(Cast(physical_name as varchar(2000)),'')+'</FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="Center"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Isnull(Cast(size as varchar(50)),'')+'</FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="Center"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Isnull(Cast(FreeSpace as varchar(50)),'')+'</FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="Left"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Isnull(Cast(DBState as varchar(50)),'') +'</FONT></TD>
     From #temp

Set  @MAILBODY= @MailBodyHeader +@MAILBODY+'</Table>'
IF((Select Count(1) from #temp)>0)
     @RECIPIENTS ='',
     --@COPY_RECIPIENTS = '',                                   
     @BODY = @MailBody,
     @SUBJECT = @MailSubject,
     @PROFILE_NAME ='dbamail' --Your profile name
End ---------mailer enddrop table #temp

Monitor Windows Server having SQL Services Agent Services Reporting Services

Hi guys! Yesterday my boss asked me to build a tool to monitor Windows servers and Sql server services. I searched on Google and find few codes, i modified the code changed powershell concept and made below code.

In this post I shall tell you about how you monitor your all servers. The only thing you need is SQL Server which runs with an account having admin privilege on the network, or you can monitor those systems, the account having admin rights.

Lets start-

Create a database and two tables-

Use master
Create Database DBAMonitor
Use DBAMonitor

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_ServerInfo](
 [Id] [int] identity(1,1) Not NULL,
 [WindowsServerName] [varchar](100) Not NULL,
 [SQLinstanceName] [varchar](100)  NULL

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_ServiceInfo](
 [SQLServiceName] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [servicestatus] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [windowservername] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [startmode] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [UpdateDate] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT GETDATE(),
 [startname] [varchar](1000) NULL,
 [InstanceName] [varchar](1000) NULL,
 [ServerID] INT NULL

Please add your server details on tbl_serverInfo you want to monitor-

--For example
insert into [tbl_ServerInfo](windowsServerName,SQLinstanceName) values ('Proddb','Dashboard')
insert into [tbl_ServerInfo](windowsServerName,SQLinstanceName) values ('','sql2008r2')
insert into [tbl_ServerInfo](windowsServerName,SQLinstanceName) values ('','')
insert into [tbl_ServerInfo](windowsServerName,SQLinstanceName) values ('','')
--Checking details

Now we need to run below script, but make sure xp_cmdshell is enabled. To enable it, please run below code-

sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1
sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1

Now run the script and look the power-

set NoCount on
--Truncate table DBAMonitor..[tbl_ServiceInfo]
-- Variable to store windows server name
DECLARE @server_name varchar(100)
DECLARE @SQLInstance_name varchar(100)
-- table to store PowerShell script output
CREATE TABLE #ServiceInfoData
(line varchar(max) null)
-- Declaring cursor to fetch windows server name
DECLARE server_cursor CURSOR FOR 
select distinct LTRIM(rtrim(windowsservername)) as windowsServerName,SQLInstanceName,Id from DBAMonitor..[tbl_ServerInfo]
OPEN server_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM server_cursor 
INTO @server_name, @SqlInstance_Name,@SrvrID
declare @svrName varchar(255)
declare @sql varchar(800)
set @svrName = @server_name
-- Preparing PowerShell Dynamic Statement
set @sql = 'powershell.exe -c "get-wmiobject -Class win32_service -Computername ' + QUOTENAME(Isnull(@svrName,''),'''') + ' | where {$ -like ''MSSQLServer'' -OR $ -like ''MSSQL$' + Isnull(@SqlInstance_Name,'') + ''' -OR $ -like ''SQLSERVERAGENT'' -OR $ -like ''ReportServer$' + Isnull(@SqlInstance_Name,'') + ''' -OR $ -like ''SQLAgent$' + Isnull(@SqlInstance_Name,'') + ''' } | select-object  Name,state,systemname,startmode,startname | %{$''|''+$_.state+''%''+$_.systemname+''*''+$_.startmode+''@''+$_.startname+''!''} "'
-- Inserting PowerShell Output to temporary table
--print @sql
insert #ServiceInfoData 
EXEC xp_cmdshell @sql
-- Deleting the rows which contains error or has not sufficient data
delete from #ServiceInfoData  where len(line) < 30
update #ServiceInfoData set line = line + '!' where line not like '%!%'
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #ServiceInfoData where line like '%Get-Wmi%') = 0
insert into DBAMonitor..[tbl_ServiceInfo](SQLServiceName,servicestatus,windowservername,startmode,startname,InstanceName,ServerId)
select  rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,1,CHARINDEX('|',line) -1))) as SQLServiceName 
,(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('|',line)+1, (CHARINDEX('%',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('|',line)) ))) as ServiceStatus
--,(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('%',line)+1, (CHARINDEX('*',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('%',line)) ))) as WindowsServerName 
,(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('*',line)+1, (CHARINDEX('@',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('*',line)) ))) as startmode
,(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('@',line)+1, (CHARINDEX('!',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('@',line)) ))) as startname
from #ServiceInfoData
where line is not null and LEN(line) > 30
-- Clearing output table
truncate table #ServiceInfoData
-- Next windows record
FETCH NEXT FROM server_cursor 
INTO @server_name,@SQLInstance_name,@SrvrID
CLOSE server_cursor;
DEALLOCATE server_cursor;
-- dropping the temporary table
drop table #ServiceInfoData
,sevi.startname [ServiceAccount]
,sevi.UpdateDate [StatusTime]
,Case when sevi.serverid is null Then 'Server is down or Access denied!!' Else 'Check status!!' End [Remarks] 
From DBAMonitor..[tbl_ServerInfo] srvr
Left Join DBAMonitor..[tbl_ServiceInfo] sevi on srvr.ID=sevi.Serverid

For better results, Create a job and run the above script from sql agent.
You can also create mailer for same to notify.

The below code is to notify if any service is stopped or any server is down.

Declare @MailSubject varchar(1000)='Monitor info for Windows Servers and Sql Services'
Declare @MailBodyHeader varchar(3000)='Hi,<br><br>Please find the details of servers or services, which are not working perfectly-<br><br>
  <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="100%" style="border-top:1px solid black; border-left:1px solid black;"><TBODY>
          <TR><TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#2f75b5" ALIGN="CENTER" colspan="7"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="3" WIDTH="100PX" Color="white"><B>Server Monitor Info</B></FONT></TD></TR>
          <TR><TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#2f75b5" ALIGN="CENTER" colspan="7"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2" WIDTH="100PX" Color="white"><B>Status </B></FONT></TD></TR>
          <TR><TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>Windows Server Name</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>Sql Instance Name</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>Sql Service Name</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>Service Account</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>Service Status</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>Status Time</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="#FCE4D6" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>Remarks</B></FONT></TD>
Declare @MailBody varchar(max)
Select @MailBody= Isnull(@MailBody,'')+'<TR><TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>'+Isnull(Srvr.windowsServerName,'')+'</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2"><B>'+Isnull(Srvr.SQLinstanceName,'')+'</B></FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Isnull(sevi.SQLServiceName,'')+'</FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Isnull(sevi.startname,'')+'</FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Isnull(sevi.servicestatus,'')+'</FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Isnull(Cast(sevi.UpdateDate as varchar(30)),'')+'</FONT></TD>
           <TD style="padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black;" BGCOLOR="white" ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2">'+Case when sevi.serverid is null Then 'Server is down or Access denied!!' Else 'Check status!!' End +'</FONT></TD>
     From DBAMonitor..[tbl_ServerInfo] srvr
     Left Join DBAMonitor..[tbl_ServiceInfo] sevi on srvr.ID=sevi.Serverid
     Where servicestatus<>'Running' or servicestatus is null

Set  @MAILBODY= @MailBodyHeader +@MAILBODY+'</Table>'
IF((Select Count(1) from DBAMonitor..[tbl_ServerInfo] srvr Left Join DBAMonitor..[tbl_ServiceInfo] sevi on srvr.ID=sevi.Serverid Where servicestatus<>'Running' or servicestatus is null)>0)
     @RECIPIENTS ='',
     @COPY_RECIPIENTS = '',                                   
     @BODY = @MailBody,
     @SUBJECT = @MailSubject,
     @PROFILE_NAME ='dbamail' --Your profile name


You can also schedule above script through agent.
